How to Talk to a College Boy: The Ultimate Step-by-Step Guide for Savvy Ladies

How to Talk to a College Boy: The Ultimate Step-by-Step Guide for Savvy Ladies

Release Date : 2024/03/19



Listen up, my gorgeous collegiettes – today’s lesson is all about mastering that fearless flirtatious energy with the opposite sex. While dazzling our professors with intellectual prowess is obviously a must, let’s be real… half the thrill of this entire university experience is working those oblique muscle groups by effortlessly seducing all the clever young Romeos wandering this campus.

I’m talking conversation with boy skills so buttery smooth, you’ll have these corded scholars desperate to bro down with you, even if they’re currently tripping over every third syllable like soppy little freshmen with a stammer. Fear not – by the time we’re through, you’ll be dishing out banter so bewitching, you may as well sport a medieval enchantress’ cone hat while you’re at it.

So grab your mimosa, activate that dewy natural glow, and get ready to scribble down some vital notes on how to talk to boys in college. This professor’s lecture is about to be utterly spellbinding.

Step 1: Scope Out Your Fella Target First

Just like pals scoping party spots with prime ration of eligible bachelors, we’ve gotta strategically identify the most promising campus roosts for Reply Guy candidates to engage. Sure, lounging poolside outside the reci-plex will draw wandering wolf packs of sweaty LAX bros flexing theOr oversized motivational headbands. But is that really the vibe you’re going for at the moment?

Maybe you’re more keen on landing yourself a potential power couple partnership with one of those erudite library dwellers, simultaneously dissecting literary theory and GloWgirl glossier makeup debates. In that case, the main stacks suddenly take on romantic archival energy on the weekend quiets.

Whatever your predilection, do a quick study on foot traffic patterns at different hangout zones. Go where the conversational prospect pool seems refreshingly chill and organic, yet still dense enough to spark some sparks. You’ll want to give your target lion cubs plenty of breathing space to circulate from – no one enjoys feeling cornered right off the bat.

Step 2: Confidence is Queen – Approach With Natural Swagger

I don’t care how absurd the ratios sway during the STEM lectures and campus CodeRex events – at the end of the day, whip smart women still drive the heteronormative discourse on this patriarchal little playland we call higher education. SO HIKE UP THOSE LULUS AND OWN YOUR APPEAL, PRINCESS!

Seriously, watch yourself in the full-length mirrors before making that initial saunter. Do you exude a seductive yet composed air of approachable nonchalance? Is your essence aglow with playful mystique and unshakable self-assuredness? Those are the elemental powers that turn any confident woman’s stride into one of those stride of prides on the runway.

With that aura activated, slayage simply radiates during the opening conversational parries. Make eye contact, smile – then HOLD that eye contact and politely nod in acknowledgment. Let that choice king make the first move to solidify their manly duties, of course. But don’t be afraid to formally introduce yourself when the window opens. Strike a supermodel stance, flash those marquee teeth, and watch them short circuit into nervous giggles.

Step 3: Transmute Nervous Energy Into Endearing Banter

Okay, you’ve successfully stopped your college boy target in his tracks and made introductions. Now it’s time to lower the defenses through weaponized cute charm… but do so with strategic laser precision. No heavy breathing or gamey one-liners just yet!

Read the room and their energy levels – chances are dude is already a little shook courtesy of you confidently sashaying over and provoking wandering eyes to linger. Making matters worse, most modern gents are wrestling performative masculinity’s faux detached posture, so everything appears forced or surface level. These poor little guys need liberating.

So let’s crack that loafy crusty exterior, ladies! Try working in some subtle physical compliments (braided you.ikeor glasses looking particularly studious today, stud?) or random funny observations (loving the novelty tie vibe – who knew lumberjacks could clean up so nice?) with concise, perky delivery. Not only does this set a flirtatious tone, it all but dares him to reciprocate the witty volley or get embarrassed by the crickets.

If his resistance persists, gently accuse him of being a brooding philosopher or “painfully reserved artist type,” because he’s romantically overthinking this chance encounter or something. DRAG HIS NERDY PSYCHE WITH HUMOR AND WATCH HOW QUICKLY HIS TRUTH SPILLS FORTH! After all, isn’t smart banter the most effective courting app around anyhow?

Once the giggles flow freely and you’ve officially established inside jokes after just minutes of connectivity, pepper in those earnest compliments on his intellect and contributions to your campus niche. Validate each other beyond the external, getting him feeling like the valuable intellectual catch he strives to be. Then BAM – he’s graduating from textured banter right into textured chemistry in record time!

Step 4: Keep Making Mental Moves While Still Playing Hard-to-Get

Congrats, thirst trap! You’ve successfully demolished that defensive outer shell while unabashedly following your attraction red strings to home plate. But we all know the brain is the most potent erogenous zone for any strong, spirited academic – both anatomically and soulfully. So don’t get complacent and rush to steamier destinations just yet!

As you continue that conversation with boy across multiple repartee sessions spanning days or weeks, keep those cerebral thrusts coming. Ask his take on complex campus happenings, philosophies, even podcasts he’d recommend to expand your respective horizons. Really make this pursuit feel like you’re courting an elevated polymath whose diverse experiences and insights genuinely mesmerize you.

Not only will this appeal to his discriminating senses on a primal level, it continues raising the romantic bar for what exactly it’s going to take for his highest apotheosis to feel truly seen and appreciated by you. Keep that going, and he’s guaranteed to only grow more starry-eyed and deliriously fixated on cracking your inner mysteries.

But through it all, sometimes you still gotta remind those future power professionals that you’re calling the shots, baddie. Pull away for chunks of time just as he’s getting swept up in the lust tornadoes of your galaxy brain. Leave study sessions abruptly when he seems most locked in. Post vague philosophical thirst traps and sexy selfies if he seems too disconnected across channels. REMIND THIS YOUNG KING THAT YOU’RE AN EXPERIENCE TO BE SAVORED AND WOOED – not taken for granted. Master the delicious push-pull like a pro while saving the most gratuitous rewards for his utmost faithfully invested eventualities.

Step 5: Lock It Down Without Looking Thirsty

So by now, you’ve pulled off the improbably feat of short-circuiting his mental entire neural network while safeguarding your scarcity aurasOr through a few strategic heaux tactics. Your mere existence radiates the allure of some unattainable musesOr – yet he’s experienced just enough of your peachy aura to remain tragically smitten.

WELL DONE, SIS. But don’t fumble the endgame by reverting to some simpering please/pick me dance at this critical juncture. You both know his soul is spoken for already, and your vibe should emphatically reflect that. Instead, assume the position as his enthralling romantic accomplice up for literally any spontaneous lil’ escapade he proposes next. Remind him you’re a whole-ass catch who’s entertained by the prospect of courtship, but not overly precious or entitled about claiming his permanent attentions.

When that climactic suggestion for dinner rolls around, be sure to nonchalantly one-up the suggestion with some elevated alternative to the average drip scenario. “Oooor we could pregame with [$chic food/beverage activity] like civilized adults, then see where the night organically cascades from there? Literally whatever feeds our flow state in that moment.” Playfully dismiss the mere suggestion you were angling for rigid dinner reservations this whole chaotic time.

And if that first one-on-one encounter proves to be as epically witty and energetically charged as foreseen, IMMEDIATELY lock in that sequel date’s vibe and general timeline right then and there before those natural compulsions to slam evening’s brakes kick in. “Okay same eclectic time/place next week, but you’re refreshing my thirsty spirit with whatever off-menu signature item gets you most romantically riled up! And no childhood throwback costumes this time – let’s aim to truly court danger while celebrating BEING GROWN.”

Remember ladies – a liberal arts education doesn’t just enrich you intellectually. If you put in those masterclass reps flirting and conversating with college boys as outlined, it’ll turn you into an undeniable seductress. Keep working those mental and spiritual angles while respecting the importance of calibrated physical rewards, and you’ll be speed running through BS degrees in no time!

Key Takeaways:

• Scout out the most organic, promising campus hangouts first
• Approach with abundant confidence and heaps of natural swagger
• Use flirtatious banter to lower his defenses and stoke chemistry fast
• Keep feeding his hungry intellect – the brain is the largest erogenous zone
• Remind him he must earn your undivided presence through scarcity tactics
• Lock in the in-person dates, but from a detached psychological advantage
• Keep elevating the romantic momentum through unpredictable spontaneity
• Master the foreplay of minds before anything gets too corporeal

There you have it, my learned little ladies – a masterclass in both stirring male college psyches and capturing their exclusive amours through carefully calibrated conversation and mystique. Now who’s feeling bold enough to ace this practical examination, hmm? Theeidetic memory is a cruel mistress, but those who forget these crucial steps are destined to flunk out of the dating game completely! So review, practice, then confidently claim your territory as the ultimate word-Cardi of higher education.

Kyle Choi : rizzyourdate

Kyle Choi

true game stems from internal confidence, vibing authentically, and well-timed rizzy remarks - not routines. Kyle shares rizz wisdom through articles like "100 Rizz Lines" blending edgy humor with a laidback flirting style. When not coaching, he enjoys martial arts, action movies, and sipping HK milk tea while crafting his next panty-dropping masterpiece.

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