How to Date Successfully as a Man Over 40 : Dating Game as a Man

How to Date Successfully as a Man Over 40 : Dating Game as a Man

Release Date : 2024/03/18



Listen up, fellas – just because you’ve eclipsed the big 4-0 doesn’t mean your dating life has to be a total drought. In fact, navigating the romancesphere with some hard-earned experience and maturity can actually work to your advantage when playing the game right.

Sure, the landscape may look a bit different than those wildly thirsty nights of chasing conquests in your 20s. But a seasoned bachelor hitting his stride in life holds a powerful appeal that youngbloods simply cannot recreate through a filter. You’ve got first-hand wisdom, established confidence, and likely even a whole lot more financial security working in your favor.

It’s time to get reacquainted with your own personal brand of swag and put some respect on your dating prowess as a driven, self-possessed man over 40. Just avoid these common game-killing pitfalls and you’ll be slaying matches left and right in no time, king.

Pitfall #1: The Midlife Crisis Mobile

I know it’s oh-so-tempting to try capturing your youth again by investing in an obnoxiously loud muscle car or garishjetski to attract younger prospective mates. But sporting overcompensatory “look at me” attention symbols on wheels or waves is an automatic ding to your courting potential with quality ladies.

Instead of blowing your life’s savings on a suped-up car strictly to peacock around bars hoping to pick up sugar babies, prioritize investing in experiences over flashy status trinkets. Read books, take an art class, heck – maybe drop some cash and get thosecsolete cave man jokes of yours professionally worked on for once. Just don’t be that cringe “look how hip I still am” guy prematurely accelerating his midlife crisis.

Pitfall #2: Thirsty DM Sliding

There’s a fine line between leveraging modern technology to initiate meetcutes in your 40s, and giving off total creepazoid vibes through rinse-and-repeat stock opener barrages into women’s DMs on social media. As alluring as a hot bikini pic looks next to that Instagram “message…” button, ferociously overpursuing often backfires.

Try cultivating a relaxed sense of abundance with the apps instead. Interactive engagement on women’s Stories, striking up natural conversations based on their posted interests, or doing some playful call-outs on Twitter builds way more intrigue than the 237th “heyyy beautiful” they got that week. Scarce mindsets lead to on-the-prowl desperation, so cultivate effortless chill as you pursue.

Pitfall #3: Texting Like a Weirdo

Speaking of making ill-advised pursuit moves, another biggie to avoid is horrific flirting/texting protocol when initially engaging with matches. Nobody’s asking you to exclusively communicate in zoomer shorthand and emojis ad nauseum, but opening with cumbersome and unnecessarily long-winded dissertation texts is equally off-putting.

Get hip to the ideal back-and-forth flow by mixing in some playful teasing, flattering compliments about their personality or style, and well-timed witty banter. And for the love of all things masculine, please do not barrage women with walls of impatient “you up?” or work-in-progress novel texts once they’re not responding speedily at night. That’s some big-time NRB (no remark behavior) that’ll get you swiftly cut off.

Pitfall #4: Half-Baked Conversation Game

Despite all our experience as men over 40, rusty conversation prowess can still leave us sounding like bumbling Clark Griswold-type characters when trying to woo potential partners. We’ve probably all endured drawn-out patches of directionless small talk and awkward silences making us cringe in the moment.

The solution: come correct with open-ended questions to keep things flowing naturally, compelling anecdotes teed up to give quick glances into your charming personality, and fun hypothetical scenarios or compatibility tests to gauge interests. A smooth conversationalist draws folks in through wit and punchlines rather than relying on verbal lulls. Work on building those captivating intellectual avenues.

Now for the things you definitely need to be leveraging as a distinguished man hitting the dating market:

Your Battle-Tested Confidence

While many younger guys default to corny pickup lines or formulaic “game” routines, you can let your natural veteran self-confidence take the wheel. No need to conform to any persona – seasoned men over 40 can lay it all out there as authentically themselves and still have wildly palpable sex appeal without even trying. Real talk: emotional maturity and IDGAF energy is irresistible to legions of women tired of dating insecure man-children.

So roll into date night with your salt-and-pepper look sharp as hell, a no-frills approachable personality, and that debonair ability to calmly command any social environment. Suddenly, inexperienced love pups look sloppy and undesirable by comparison.

Your Established Life and Means

Let’s keep it a buck – the days of worrying about financing dates with whatever spare change was in your ash tray are through. As a man over 40 who’s presumably got his career trajectory on a prosperous path, you can exude that rarified boyfriend or husband experience that most women crave.

While toxic pretty baller cultures need to stay a thing of the past, you being secure enough to spoil your partner a little extra reminds them how stable, reliable, and abundant your life is at the moment. Plus, you know how to actually have a good time experiencing grown-up date activities or travel adventures a fun way – not just splurging superficial cash getting irresponsibly geetered every night.

Your Big Brain Energy

Last but certainly not least, you’ve almost undoubtedly accrued invaluable perspective and intellect that spawn fascinating conversation simply by virtue of, you know…having lived significant life mileage these past 40 years. Go on and flourish in that expansive worldliness and spontaneous hilarity that makes you such an intriguing person to mentally connect with in the dating realm.

Let’s say your brooding, jet-setting side sends you two world-traveling together on a whim. Or your philosophical ruminations can elevate standard dinner dates into deep, mind-expanding discourse sessions over wine and tapas. Younger guys spit hollow game – but you’re an enriching vortex of an experience in yourself, and high-value women will swoon over the sheer radiance of your seasoned aura.

Key Takeaways:

• Don’t be that jackass seeking to overcompensate with tacky “look at me” symbols
• Avoid creepy thirstiness and learn to build playful rapport through patience
• Keep dating text/flirt game effortlessly chill and conversational, not sloppy or overworked
• Leverage those acquired confidence, resources, and distinctly seasoned life perspectives
• Relax into your natural swag and don’t conform to any persona – maturity is your super power

You may not have the spritely energy and hairline of your early years, but a well-rounded grownup man over 40 packs an appeal that most whipper-snappers simply cannot acquire overnight. Why does dad strength activate so many women, you ask? Because you’ve got that je ne sais quoi amassed blend of self-assurance, battlefield-tested wit, and radiant abundance rooted deeply within.

So quit pondering dating as something you’ve somehow aged out of and get back out there. Fill your prospective matches’ lives with gratifying substance and scintillating experiences beyond their wildest imaginations. What’s sexier than fulfilled life zhuzh wealth? Not a damn thing.

Kyle Choi : rizzyourdate

Kyle Choi

true game stems from internal confidence, vibing authentically, and well-timed rizzy remarks - not routines. Kyle shares rizz wisdom through articles like "100 Rizz Lines" blending edgy humor with a laidback flirting style. When not coaching, he enjoys martial arts, action movies, and sipping HK milk tea while crafting his next panty-dropping masterpiece.

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